
Instructor of record
PHIL 331: Business and Professional Ethics (~100 students, UBC, Fall 2024)
PHIL 101: Introduction to Philosophy (~100 students, UBC, Summer 2024)
PHIL 102: Introduction to Philosophy (~100 students, UBC, Winter 2024)
PHIL 1101: Critical Thinking (~25 students, Douglas College, Winter & Summer 2024)
PHIL 330: Social and Political Philosophy (~40 students, UBC, Summer 2023)
PHIL 442: Topics in Feminist Theory (~30 students, McGill University, Winter 2022)
PHIL 327: Philosophy of Race (~50 students, McGill University, Fall 2019)
Invited lecturer
HUMS 1101: Frontiers of Thought (Douglas College, Summers 2023 & 2024)
PHIL 2360: Philosophy and Feminist Thought. (Douglas College, Fall 2022)
PHIL 1101: Critical Thinking (Douglas College, Fall 2022)
PHIL 442: Critical Race Feminisms (McGill University, Fall 2019)
PHIL 237: Contemporary Moral Issues (McGill University, Winter 2019)
PHIL 375: Existentialism (McGill University, Fall 2018)
PHIL 327: Philosophy of Race (McGill University, Winter 2018)
Teaching assistant
PHIL 375: Existentialism. (~100 students, McGill University, Fall 2018)
PHIL 327: Philosophy of Race (~50 students, McGill University, Winter 2018)
PHIL 200: Introduction to Philosophy (~100 students, McGill University, Fall 2017)
PHIL 334: Ethical Theory (~70 students, McGill University, Winter 2017)
PHIL 200: Introduction to Philosophy (~100 students, McGill University, Fall 2016)
Pedagogy presentations
“Out of the armchair and into the fire: Self-incrimination as feminist pedagogy”, Pedagogies of Discomfort, APA Eastern, Montreal, 2023.