Selected writing
"Witches and ‘Welfare Queens’: The Construction of Women as Threats in the Anti-Abortion Movement", Women in Philosophy Series, Blog of the American Philosophical Association
"How ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ video game uses goblins to reinforce antisemitic scapegoating", The Conversation
"Self-Incrimination as Feminist Pedagogy", Graduate Student Reflection Series, Blog of the American Philosophical Association
"Reciprocal Recognition and Epistemic Virtue", Ithaque Journal (peer-reviewed)
"Anxiety survival tips I learned from my cat", Hellogiggles

I have a decade of experience researching and online publishing on a range of issues and I've built an online following of around 10,000.
From 2015-2017, I created video essays for the website EverydayFeminism.com, an educational platform with over four million monthly visitors from over 150 countries.
Selected video essays